ankle sprain exercises pdf nhs

There are several ligaments around the ankle joint. You have been given a leaflet Ankle sprain injuries which tells you about your injury and the symptoms you.

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Stand with the leg to be stretched behind the other leg.

. Continue the improvement of your ankle injury after the first 6 weeks. Try to point the toes of the foot that is on top while preventing any movement with the foot that is 5. This stretches and weakens the soft.

Even a simple ankle sprain can take up to 3 months or more to get back toa high impact sport and fractures even longer. It also contains exercises to prevent stiffening and to help to try to. Place the heel of one foot on the ground with your toes pointing towards the sky.

Even if you have constant pain you should begin to exercise the ankle gently and walk short distances try to walk smoothly and not limp. Trace the alphabet with your toe encouraging ankle movement in all directions. Isometric No movement Ankle Eversion While seated place the outside of the symptomatic foot against a wall with a towel pillow between your foot and the wall.

A sprain is a stretch or tear of the ligament. What is an ankle sprain. Tilt your ankle so that your toes point.

After 48 hours perform gentle ankle exercises at least three times a day. These ankle ligaments could be injured to varying degrees when you sprain your ankle. Ankle Sprain Exercises Pdf.

The below exercises can be helpful to increase the movement and strengthen weaker muscles around the foot and ankle. Put a towelbandage around the foot of your injured leg and pull it towards you. Ankle stretch Sit with your legs straight out in front of you.

Point your foot up then down. Push outwards with your. Raise your ankle above the level of your hips to reduce swelling.

An ankle sprain is one of the most common types of soft tissue injury. Initially R - Rest - Initial rest helps prevent further injury and enables the healing process. Ankle Strengthening Exercises 1 Resisted Dorsiflexion Sit on a chair or on the floor.

FootAnkle Soft Tissue Injury Stable ankle Fractures FootAnkle. Exercises for an ankle sprain. Put one foot on top of the other foot.

Do not use ice on your ankle if you have poor sensation over the area an infected. Push your heel down while bending the knee to stretch the achilles tendon. Movement and strength of the ankle to prevent risk of further injury.

A sprained ankle normally heals within 4-6 weeks. Anatomy The ankle joint is supported by ligaments which help to keep the joint stable. Figure 5 Alphabet exercise 1.

You have had an injury involving muscles and ligaments in and around your ankle. An ankle sprain is an injury to the tough bands of tissue ligaments that surround and. You can follow these exercises if you have injured your.

It occurs when the foot is moved through a greater range of movement than normal. We can make this information available in Braille. APlace a towel around the ball of your injured.

Most ankle sprains will heal within a few weeks but it is important to follow a few simple rules to aid this process and help prevent further injury. These exercises are designed to mobilise the. You should feel a stretch in the back of your calf.

Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect one bone to another. Ankle sprains and strains This leaflet intends to educate you on the immediate management of your ankle sprain or strain. Ankle exercises Stage 1.

Stretch in the calf. Bend the sole of the foot inwards then. Be managed with the RICEP approach to treatment.

You can use pillows to keep the foot up. It is important to undertake exercise to help with your recovery. Trace the alphabet 1 to 3 times.

Oct 2023 Page 1 of 3 Ankle sprains. Early movement and exercise Early weight bearing putting weight through your. Raise your ankle above the level of your hips to reduce swelling.

Foot and pull gently towards you until you feel a. Put one foot on top of the other foot. The other foot should be firmly planted on the ground.


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